Green Statement



All Roads Inc history is rooted in hard work, customer service and dedication. Our business is not about the vehicles we operate and manage. Our business is all about dedication to you - our customer - in the best possible way.
As our business and industry grows and as we continue to provide superior customer service and work hard to meet your needs, we have come to realize that in order to reach the "next level of service" we need to do more. Our customers deserve and have requested more of us, our planet deserves more. All Roads Inc understand that for our company to continue being successful we must make a serious commitment to do our part in preserving the planet.
As of 2010, All Roads Inc has rolled out an ambitious and aggressive plan for a "Going Green". Our first step has been to undertake a third-party audited which will measurement of all aspects of our operations. We have created and are now following a strategic Emissions Reduction Plan to pollution reduction expelled by our fleet and facilities.
Our plan includes:
  1. The adoption of fuel efficiency technologies where able.
  2. Employee incentives to reduce company waste
  3. The re-stretcher of our business operations.
  4. The ongoing measurement, auditing and reporting of our results.
  5. Chauffeur and staff re-education and training to conserve fuel.
The Staff and Owners of All Roads Inc would like you to know that we are dedicated to taking one of the leading roles in Emissions Reduction within our industry.